
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

网页可访问性是确保所有人的基本权利, 包括那些有缺陷的人, 可以访问和使用在线材料. In California, Unruh民权法案 is a key piece of legislation that protects people from discrimination by companies operating in the state. 该法案适用于数字领域, making it critical for websites to follow accessibility requirements to provide equitable access to services and information. To protect the rights of people with disabilities and promote an inclusive online environment, 企业必须了解安鲁法案对网站可访问性的影响.


加州遵守网页无障碍法律, including the federal standards outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508. Additionally, 该州遵循1959年通过的《pg电子官网》(Unruh Civil Rights Act)制定的规定, 哪条禁止基于残疾的歧视, 涵盖网络平台. 加州残疾人法案(CDPA), 1974年制定, ensures equal rights for individuals with disabilities in using public spaces and facilities.

截至2019年7月, California AB 434 mandated that all websites belonging to state agencies and entities must be accessible to users with diverse abilities. Together, these laws, 以及《pg电子官网》和第508条, outline the web accessibility requirements that businesses operating in California must follow to make their digital platforms inclusive and accessible to everyone.

  • 加州残疾人法案(CDPA)

    The CDPA aims to ensure equal opportunities and access for people with disabilities in using public spaces, facilities, and services. 根据CDPA, businesses must ensure complete and equal access to websites for individuals with disabilities. This encompasses the implementation of measures to make websites and web-based services compatible with screen readers, 语音识别软件, 以及其他辅助技术. 这项立法是促进包容性的基石, 禁止歧视, and affirming the principle that individuals with disabilities should enjoy the same rights and privileges as the public throughout California. The CDPA contributes to fostering a more accessible and equitable environment for all residents, 加强国家对包容和平等的承诺.

  • Unruh民权法案(加州民法典第51条)

    Unruh民权法案 is state-level legislation in California that forbids discrimination based on protected categories, 包括残疾. 它适用于整个州的公司和公共场所. Businesses must grant people with disabilities equal access to their services and facilities under this law. This includes, 除此之外, making sure websites are accessible to the blind and offering physical wheelchair access and sign language interpreters. In California, 安鲁法案已经被原告用来对企业提出索赔, 包括州外企业, 因涉嫌侵犯残疾人的数字无障碍. 因此,在加州提起的关于网页可访问性的诉讼数量有所增加.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created the WCAG guidelines to improve the accessibility of web content for individuals with disabilities. AA级一致性是WCAG设定的可访问性级别之一, 它是使网站易于访问的重要标准.

Under AB 434, every state agency in California is required to prominently display an official certification demonstrating 符合WCAG 2的AA级标准.0在其主页上. This certification is a public declaration of the agency's commitment to making its websites accessible to all users, 包括残疾人士.

下载WCAG 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 .核对清单 了解其细节上的差异 & 使用最新的WCAG标准改善您的数字资产的可访问性.


Unruh民权法案, 通常被称为安鲁法案, is a state law in California that protects individuals against discrimination by all businesses operating in the state, 包括提供住房和其他形式的公共住宿. 根据法律, 基于年龄歧视任何人是违法的, ancestry, color, disability, 国家的起源, race, religion, sex, 或者性取向. 它的名字是为了纪念前加州议员杰西M. Unruh是该法案的起草者,也是1959年该法案获得通过的关键贡献者. 第51条及以下各条. 《pg电子官网》的部分是对《pg电子官网》的编纂.

一些案件引发了关于Unruh法案的辩论和讨论, with some critics claiming that repeated plaintiffs use it for profit rather than genuine attempts to enhance accessibility. However, organizations and defendants involved in Unruh Act cases must be aware of their rights and possible defenses, 例如证明法律的遵守或对原告的地位提出异议.

Defendants have either 21 or 31 days from the date of service of the complaint to file a response, depending on whether the lawsuit is filed in California superior court or a federal district court, 因此,回应昂鲁法案诉讼要求迅速采取行动.


网站无障碍法律的不合规风险, 尤其是加州的安鲁法案, 近年来出现了显著的增长, 导致无障碍法律诉讼增多. 本节说明, 为企业, 这种不遵守规定带来了各种危险, 包括面临4美元的风险,每一项违反规定的赔偿金额为000美元, 以及潜在的大量开支, time, 以及在为无障碍环境诉讼辩护时对其声誉的损害.

加州的企业遵守了《pg电子官网》(Unruh Civil Rights Act), consequently, Title III of the ADA) not only mitigate legal risks but also benefit from notable improvements in user experience and the ability to reach a much larger audience. 在美国, 大约有6100万成年人患有残疾, and worldwide, 残疾人每年的可支配收入只有1美元.2 trillion. 通过确保网站的可访问性,企业可以接触到更广泛的受众.

为州和地方政府组织服务, 遵守加州AB 434等适用法律, Section 508, 以及《pg电子官网》第二章, 降低法律风险, 提高吸引和留住有才能的员工的能力,而不考虑他们的身体素质, 改善向全体公民提供的服务. Complying with these accessibility regulations brings about numerous advantages for governmental entities.


To achieve this substantial conformance and improve your website compliance with California accessibility laws, 可以考虑以下步骤:


  • 进行无障碍网站审核

    首先进行彻底的检查 网站易访问性审核 识别现有的无障碍障碍和问题. 这个审核应该评估你的网站是否符合 WCAG 2.0 AA级指引 ,这是大多数组织为可访问性所要达到的标准.

  • 实现可访问性修复

    解决审核过程中发现的可访问性问题. Make the necessary changes to ensure that your website conforms to Level II (Level AA) standards of WCAG 2.0. 这可能涉及到改善内容结构, 为图像提供替代文本, 确保键盘的可访问性, and more.

  • 连续测试

    Web可访问性是一个持续的过程,必须定期进行测试. Perform ongoing accessibility testing whenever there are changes to your website's content or structure. 这可以确保您的网站随着时间的推移保持兼容.

  • User Testing

    让残障用户参与测试网站的可访问性. Their feedback will be invaluable in identifying usability issues and making further improvements.

  • 聘请无障碍专家

    考虑涉及 无障碍网页顾问 谁有网页无障碍和WCAG合规的经验. 在整个过程中,他们可以提供有见地的建议和帮助.

  • 显示可访问性遵从性信息

    符合加州AB 434, 如果你的组织是一个国家机构或实体, 在你网站首页的显著位置显示一个签名的证书,表明 符合WCAG 2的AA级标准.0.


To summarize, the 加州安鲁 Act is a critical law that ensures web accessibility for people with impairments. To avoid discrimination lawsuits and to ensure equal access to their services and information online, 在州内经营的企业必须遵守这项法律. 理解并遵守《pg电子官网》的规则对于创造包容性至关重要, 尊重所有用户的权利, 让数字世界更容易进入, 为所有人创造空间.

作为国际无障碍专业人士协会(IAAP)的准会员, 我们是全球无障碍社区的一部分. 我们也是W3C的成员.

正在考虑用完整的ADA WCAG 2修复网站的企业.1 compliance; we provide 完整的网站可访问性修复解决方案 including audit, consulting, remediation, regular maintenance, monitoring, training, and support. Our solution can improve your website accessibility compliance for the 加州安鲁 Act. 要求免费报价,请随时提交 this form 或发邮件至 (电子邮件保护).